How Do Pros Score With Power Shot Technique In FIFA 23? How Do Pros Score With Power Shot Technique In FIFA 23?

How Do Pros Score With Power Shot Technique In FIFA 23?

Jan 17, 2023 Source: UTNICE More News

Today, we are covering a secret finishing glitch that has to do with the Power Shot. At the end of the video, I'll also show you guys why the normal Power Shot is super undervalued right now and how you can use it to score three long shots almost every game. So, let's jump right into it.

As you guys probably know, for a normal Power Shot, you have to press L1 plus R1 or LB plus RB while shooting. You get very powerful finishes from this technique. However, there is a downside the long run up animation that allows your opponent to react and block the shot. The Power Shot glitch allows you to get rid of that slow animation while still getting the crazy finishes of Power Shots. And here's how to pull it off.

You need to power up the shot without holding L1 plus R1. So, basically as you would power up any other shot and then similar to doing a timed finish right when your player is about to strike the ball. You press L1 plus R1 or LB plus RB to get the Power Shot effect.

Remember, though that the manual aiming still applies. So, you're not getting any shooting assistance and you need to aim precisely with the left stick for this glitch. I found that this technique works best when you're able to prepare the finish with one clean touch because that will make it much easier to aim correctly and hit the timing for when to press L1 plus R1 in regards to which spots to use the Power Shot glitching.

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I would recommend it for scoring from half chances when you are already close to or inside the box, but you're not sure if a normal finish is going to work out in this scene. For example, I am in a good spot with Ronaldo, but my angle and distance towards goal make it tough to finish successfully with the Power Shot glitch. However, the Goalkeeper doesn't stand a chance.

example FIFA 23

It must be said though that this technique isn't as easy to pull off as it might look. The first thing that can happen is you pressing L1 plus R1 too early and then your player will do a weird stutter step and start another Power Shot animation instead of following through with the shot. The second danger is not aiming precisely enough in the short preparation time you get and the shot missing its target. That is also why I recommend the normal Power Shot technique in some spots.

In my opinion the glitch and the normal Power Shot complement each other nicely because the glitch is great if you're already relatively close to goal as we already talked about and you don't have much time and space available. And the normal Power Shot on the other hand has its value, when you're further away from goal. But we're able to create some space. The advantage you get is that you don't need to take a clean touch or push the ball out from your feet. Your player will do that automatically. With a great run-up animation regardless of the position, you're in the trick.

Here is to not hesitate at all right when you see that you have too much space you take one touch to receive the ball and then make the normal Power Shot input. You can surprise a ton of opponents this way, who are still busy trying to cover a potential pass or pressure you from behind. Now, you know how to use both Power Shot variations to your advantage.

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