3 Pro Defending Tips Can Help You Become A Good Player In EA FC 24 3 Pro Defending Tips Can Help You Become A Good Player In EA FC 24

3 Pro Defending Tips Can Help You Become A Good Player In EA FC 24

Jan 26, 2024 Source: UTNICE More News

In this tutorial, I will provide you with 3 confidential tips to enhance your defensive skills like a pro player in the EA FC 24. If you have plenty of EA FC 24 Coins, please buy some good players and improve their attributes.

3 Pro Defending Tips Can Help You Become A Good Player In EA FC 24

Tip 1: Keep Defense Structured

So, the first tip is probably the one that players most concerned about, and it’s about how to keep your defense structured. The main thing you need to keep in mind when it comes to keeping structured in defense is tracking back with your Attackers when it’s possible. If your opponent has passed your attackers, then try to defend with your Midfielders.

A common mistake made by a lot of you is switching too early to your Defenders. This will make it way harder for yourself to defend and will make it way harder for your opponent to reach your box. Obviously, that’s what you want to avoid. I track back a lot with my Strikers and with my Midfielders to keep it compact in defense.

This is one of the best things when it comes to keeping your defense structured. Obviously, this way of switching and tracking back is a bit advanced, but as a lot of people say, practice makes perfect. Probably, you’ll make a lot of mistakes while you’re starting to practice it, but in the end, it will make you a better player. So, that is one thing you need to master for sure.

Tip 2: Make Use Of Offside Traps

The second tip is something that goes together with keeping your defense structured, but this is making use of the Offside Traps. Offside Traps are probably the most underrated thing when it comes to defending, and it’s not even that hard to perform. You perform an offside trap by pressing your set arrow down 2 times. This will make your defense go way higher on the pitch, which obviously makes it way harder for your opponent to get near your box.

In my gameplay, my opponent is patient in buildup, but because I make good use of these Offside Traps, it will just not reach my box. This obviously makes it way easier to defend because we all know defending in the midfield or maybe even in the offense is way less stressful than defending in your own box.

Tip 3: Make Use Of Partial Team Press

Tip number 3 is making use of the partial team press. This is probably the most secret tip there is. It’s really useful. You perform the partial team press by pressing your R1 for 2 times, and the second time you press it, you need to hold it. It’s really effective when your opponent is going down the wing. We all hate to concede cutbacks, obviously, and this is the best solution for not conceding cutbacks. All you need to do is put manual pressure on the ball holder yourself.

Obviously, all of these 3 tips will take time to master. Try to practice it, maybe even in kick-off against a friend or maybe just games that don’t matter so you can use it perfectly when you need it most in the Weekend League or maybe if you want to become a competitive player, you have to make sure you master these 3 tricks.

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